Case 1: (Z spin, hit Z then Z) This needs a pre-rotation which means the tetrimino needs a specific rotation before you soft drop. If you accidentally hit clockwise first instead of counter clockwise, do this:
1. You accidentally hit clockwise "up arrow key"
2. Hit "z" twice or counterclockwise 2 times
3. Soft Drop
4. Counterclockwise "z"
Case 2: (Opposite of Case 1) This type of situation happen sometimes so this might come in handy. If you happen to hit counterclockwise first instead of clockwise, do this:
1. You accidentally hit counterclockwise "z"
2. Hit clockwise twice or up arrow key 2 times
3. Soft Drop
4. Clockwise "up arrow key"
Case 3: Useful at times..
Thanks, it helped me a lot! :)